Monday, October 06, 2008

From the Dept. of the Absurd

Priceless "hypothetical" from The Corner today that apparently now qualifies for reasoned discussion:
Does the selloff on Wall Street have anything to do with the increasing likelihood that Obama will be our next president?

Well. I understand feeling morose about the trailing candidate's electoral prospects, and I understand partisanship and feeling a certain level of paranoia, but does it behoove an influential blogger like Kathryn Lopez to post such drivel? The worst part is the too-cute-by-half title: "Coincidence?"

If, on the other hand, Ms. Lopez believes this sort of thing to be worthy of discussion, I have some more fodder:
1. Coincidence? The weather in DC has steadily become cooler over the last few months while Obama's poll numbers have improved.
2. Coincidence? Wall St. has gone to crap ever since Tom Brady blew out his knee.
3. Or how about this? Republican prospects have really sucked since the economy tanked. Er, actually... Never mind. That one makes too much sense.


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